• sekretariat@nrs.unand.ac.id

Graduates Profiles

# Graduate Profile Description
1 Care provider Able to provide nursing care to individuals, families, groups, and communities in the clinical and community settings to fulfill human basic needs based on research findings
2 Communicator Able to perform effective and therapeutic communication in delivering nursing care and build effective interprofessional collaboration
3 Health educator and promoter Able to demonstrate health education and promotion to individuals, families, groups, and communities in order to achieve client’s independence
4 Manager and leader Able to act as a manager and a leader in organizing nursing care and coordinate with other health team to achieve client care outcomes
5 Researcher Able to implement steps of scientific approach to solve research and nursing problems



After two to three years of completing education, graduates can combine the skills gained from the educational program to:

1.Perform as a professional nurse: nursing care provider, communicator, educator, manager, and leader ethically and legally.

2.Pursue a higher level of education both academically and professionally.

3. Accomplish health problems through research in their respective fields of work.



Attitude (A)

To implement mutual respect, human values, and carrying out duties professionally based on religion, morals, legal, ethical, and cultural values in nursing.


Knowledge (K)

To apply basic and nursing sciences, nursing information system and technology to provide evidence-based nursing care and practice.

Skills (S)

S1: To have task competencies in providing good quality nursing care.

S2: To improve professionalism through lifelong learning.

S3: To conduct scientific research in nursing science and technology for health problem solving.


Competences (C)

C1: To comprehensively manage nursing care to individuals, families, groups, and communities in the clinical and community settings, based on research findings.

C2: To provide health education in nursing care based on scientific information.

C3: To perform therapeutic communication intrapersonal and interpersonally.

C4: To perform leadership in managing health and nursing care services through interprofessional collaboration.

C5: To act as a community leader especially in disaster nursing.